5 ways to make money on the web

1. Freemium Model


This business model works by offering a basic service for free, while charging for a premium service with advanced features to paying members.

2. Affiliate Model

affiliate network

This is a model in which a business makes money by driving traffic, leads, or sales to another, affiliated company’s website. Businesses that sell a product, meanwhile, rely on affiliated sites to send them the traffic or leads they need to make sales.

3. Subscription Model


Sites using the subscription model require users to pay a fee (generally monthly or yearly) to access a product or service.

4. Virtual Goods Model


Users pay for virtual goods, such as weapons, upgrades, points, or gifts, on a website or in a game.

5. Advertising Model

advertising model

Sites that rely on advertising, sell advertisements against their traffic. In basic terms: the more traffic you have, the more you can charge for ads (additional demographics about your site’s visitors, such as age, gender, location, or interests, also affects the amount you can charge advertisers to place ads on your site).

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